Planes, Cruises And Hotels: Busting The Biggest Travel Myths

We've all heard myths and urban legends about Big Foot, tested illogical home remedies like using hot water to make ice cubes faster and have made conservative choices on Friday the 13th, but how many of us have missed out on a travel adventure due to the fear caused by a few travel rumors? Here are some of the biggest urban legends in travel and the facts that debunk them.

Myth 1: Americans Are The Worst Tourists

Are Americans really the world's worst tourists?

American's rank 9th best out of 27 nationalities, according to an annual survey of hotel managers. The truth is Americans were ranked the loudest but also the biggest tippers.

Myth 2: Once You Step Onboard Your Money Is No Good

The truth is that your soda, meals, waters in the dining hall and buffets are paid for, everything else costs including alcohol, alternative dining, internet access and more. The fact is an average cruise traveler spend 50% more than the base fare on additional amenities.

Myth 3: Rule 240 = Money Back

If your flight is delayed, the urban legend states that Rule 240 requires the airline to compensate you. This is not exactly true, the rule 240 did at one time exist. It was created by the Civil Aeronautics Board. With deregulation though, Rule 240 has been expunged.

Myth 4: Bottled Water Is Your New BFF

At least 25% of bottles water is simply tap water. So if you are weary of Montezuma's Revenge while abroad, know that there's a 25% chance the brand you buy will simply be local tap water anyway.

Myth 5: Your Hotel Key Card Knows More About You Than You!

This again is also not true, your hotel key card doesn't know everything about you. This rumor was started by Detective Sergeant Kathryn Jorge of the Pasadena Police. She saw a presentation about fraud techniques indicating this as a possibility, and sent an alarming email in response. The police department had to retract the statements of DS Jorge to quell fears.

Myth 6: There's Money In That Bible

This is another myth which people want to be true, the myth is that people believe that there is a crisp $100 tucked into their hotel Bible. But till date there are no reports of such generosity.

Possibly, all of these myths depends on the mode of your travel, like many cruise lines don't include soda in their inclusive meal price so you need to pay for your soda every time you buy it or you might want to go for a soda card plan. Other than that I wish I found that money in the Bible or anywhere in my hotel room, but my bad luck.

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 By Hammad H Sheikh

Article Source: Planes, Cruises And Hotels: Busting The Biggest Travel Myths

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