Tricks And Tips That Will Assist You In Efficient Portrait Photography

It is not possible for portrait photographers to capture different photographs in the same mode, and people often struggle to master the settings which can assist them in efficient portrait photography. The following photography tips and tricks serve as a good option to overcome this struggle but sometimes there are tweaks which become tough to follow at a certain situation. Nowadays, DSLR has eased the headache of the photographer in a lot of ways as there are a lot of pre-built portrait photography settings which provides them great shots. However, these pre-built settings won't help you at times, and you have to move on from these tweaks.

Some Tips and Tricks

The following points will depict various portrait photography tips and tricks that can help in efficient portrait photography:

• Exposure settings

Exposure settings are vital aspects that serve as one of the most crucial factors if you are going to take a good photograph. You should control the exposure according to the amount of light you want to enter the camera. There are lots of portrait photography poses that you can't even imagine and its better that you should move the exposure to the first point of the positive. So it will provide proper light to the fact of the portraits thus providing you a great shot.

• Quality of portrait

Aperture is another setting that can determine the quality of portrait especially when you are going for close up photos. The best way to get a perfect portrait is to set aperture between the range of F/2.8 to F/5.6 which will keep the background blurry and focus largely on the object. You can even shoot in aperture priority mode present in your DSLR which lets you control the depth of field.

• Controlling shutter speed

Controlling shutter speed is another that you need to keep in your mind while going for portrait photography. Different portrait photography ideas that can give your pictures life and only professional can help you out with this. It takes lots of stuff to click a perfect snap like you should tweak the shutter speed, but mostly the speed should be elevated than the effective focal length. You should use image stabilization feature of your camera because while operating at different shutter speed you need to zero motion. For wide angle lenses, it is better that you should use 1/20 sec along with a focal length of 18mm.

• Wide angle long lens

If portrait photography is your preference, then it is recommended that you should opt for a wide angle long lens. Most of the portrait professionals in the world suggest everyone to own 50mm as it is ideal for a portrait lens. However many professionals suggest that having a lens of 70-200 m with an aperture rating of f/2.8 is also suitable for creating mesmerizing portraits. With this lens one can even shoot portraits with tilt or from a low angle, giving an edge to the photos.

• Photo composition

Photo composition is an essential factor that you should look into because without proper composition the quality of the image degrades. While taking portraits, you should zoom in so that your subject is more on focus which will ultimately fill up the whole frame. You can even move your subject to the side of the frame thus giving yourself wide aperture to cover.

• Use a reflector

For a better portrait, you should use a reflector because it provides the necessary light to the portrait thus giving it a professional look. You might have often seen the these techniques in behind scenes of photo shoots where they use multiple reflectors to enhance the glow of the portrait. It bars down the unwanted shadows thus letting you focus more on the subject rather than the background. You can even use reflectors with a different colored surface like white, gold and silver providing different shade on the subject.

• Use flash

While shooting portraits in night lights, it is better if you can bar yourself from using flash because it distracts the subject's face thus losing its dimensionality. So it is better that you should use the flash for lighting up the object from the side which will provide the necessary light as well as the shadow to object. This composition provides a dramatic background to the photo while providing distinctive elegance to the subject. However while shooting in bright day, you can use the flash to curb down the sunlight power thus providing the necessary darkness in the image.

• Capturing at an angle

For efficient portrait photography, it is necessary that you avoid capturing at an angle that is at eye level. You should always opt for an angle which is below or above eye level thus flattering the subject and subsequently providing a new perspective to the image. It is better to try different angle it makes your portrait different from typical pictures.

As I have met one guy in Pakistan who is extremely educated in Photography techniques and he is really good at his job. All the points as mentioned earlier are mostly followed by professionals like Asad Farooq who is regarded as one of the best portrait photographer in Lahore and entire Pakistan. If you go by his pictures on his website, you will find a lot of relevance in the images and him also amateur photographers to follow the same.

Nirmal Kant is a blogger at DGMPeople and love to write on random subject whichever looks interesting and informative.

 By Nirmal Kant Paswan

Article Source: Tricks And Tips That Will Assist You In Efficient Portrait Photography

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