Best Gifts Ideas to Appreciate and Thank your Teachers!

Let us remember- one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world! Remember we all had that one favorite teacher in the school? And then some teachers treated you as their favorite ...

Let us remember- one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world!

Remember we all had that one favorite teacher in the school? And then some teachers treated you as their favorite student, and how can we miss forget that mini crush on that one teacher. Now don’t shy out, I know we all did.    

No matter how badly you hated some of your teachers, but you cannot deny that their efforts really helped to shape your future. Don’t you think that they deserve your respect and you should pay them tribute by celebrating the one day dedicated to appreciating their efforts? Yes, I’m talking about teachers day. Be honest, after finishing school, how many of you have actually connected with your teachers, let alone celebrating teachers day? 

We all know that teachers day is celebrated to honor Dr. S. Radhakrishnan as a humble teacher. But as of now, it is not practically possible to honor him directly, so celebrate it with teachers who actually enlightened your life. I’m not asking you to get an online cake delivery and start the celebration in the middle of the night. You can keep the celebration simple and low key; a simple gift will also do. 

Well finding gifts suitable for your teacher can be tricky, as you wouldn’t want to invade her personal zone but wouldn’t want to gift something useless as well. Since its teacher’s appreciation day, your teachers would be receiving a gallon bag full of gifts, which she will end up disposing of eventually. Sure she loves all the gifts she recieved, but let us be practical, how many photo frames is she going to put up on her shelf and would instead prefer a Gucci bag over that collection of mugs (unless she wants to put up a mug exhibition). It is not that complicated; let me give you some gift ideas to thank your mentor or guide for their efforts.

Teacher supplies

Let us start by gifting him or her supplies that a teacher requires for a lifetime. Supplies like markers, magnets, or fancy notepads which they can use over and over again. What can be a more practical gift for a teacher than this?. Teachers have a thing for stationery, and there are so many gorgeous options for notepads available out there that you will end up buying for yourself too. Well, this works well if you are still in school, or you can suggest your younger siblings to do the same. 

Cake jar

Well, I know it is difficult to figure out whether your teacher is fond of sugar or not. But let us just assume that they do, because who doesn’t, right?. So, a fresh cake makes for a tasty option. If you are up for a DIY, then you can take a mason jar, fill it with ingredients like shortcake, strawberries and whipped cream. Now decorate the jar with ribbons and quotes from outside. Decoration need not be kiddish and if you are thinking to gift it to your art teacher, but you kind of skipped your lessons when it comes to creativity, then go for a readymade version. 

Flower bouquets

You can consider it a universal truth that when in doubt, opt for a flower bouquet. I know you must be wondering that flowers too are going to decay and they are same as gifting mugs or photo frames. But hey! It’s flowers we are talking about. You cannot simply ignore the fact that flowers have the power to say thank you. Try and opt for flowers with long stems like orchids and lilies as they look decent. Actually, it is the option if you feel awkward to meet your teacher after so long, you can send flower bouquets to their doorstep. 

Appreciation card

This gift is perfect for your toddlers as well as fifth graders. They get a report card every time for their performance, and now it’s their time to grade their teachers. It is just a twisted version, instead of a report card, your kid has to prepare a handwritten appreciation card. Make your kid express his or her feelings, like why do they idolize a particular teacher. After all, appreciation always comes from the heart. 

It’s all about showing gratitude to your teachers, so whatever you gift, gift it with regards and love in your heart. I don’t want to give you nostalgia or anything, but dude, they really helped you get smarter, at least you can brighten their one day.


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