Making a Family Medicinal Plant Garden (TOGA) in Creating a Smart and Green Campus

aerial View of Bastyr University Medicinal Herb Garden

As a young scientist, namely a student who acts as an agent of change or agent of change, we as the nation's young generation have a role to be the center of the nation's progress in the future.

In this case, it can be done by providing provisions, doing service and changes in the community environment, starting from the environment where we live alone to the environment where we study even to be able to create a beautiful and comfortable environment to live in until the future.

We should be able to provide ideas and innovations that can be useful in life in the future. Not only do they excel in academics, but they must also have high social awareness and critical thinking as well as real morale in realizing Smart and Green Campus.

Smart and Green Campus itself is the slogan of UIN Walisongo Semarang in realizing We Green which has often been socialized. In this regard, as a big family of the Faculty of Science and Technology and all components in it must continue to strive for enthusiasm in trying to support the success of UIN Walisongo Semarang towards an environmentally friendly green campus.

Various ideas or innovations that can be done in order to realize this are one of them by creating a family medicinal plant garden (TOGA). Judging from the post-pandemic conditions in Indonesia, there are still many people who have not paid attention to the importance of healthy living and maintaining their own health, besides that they also see the pandemic situation that has not yet ended in the country and coupled with the lack of maximum use of vacant land in the environment around the campus makes the idea of making a family medicinal plant garden (TOGA) emerge.

The activities that will be carried out are effective innovations by utilizing family medicinal plants (TOGA) that can be grown and processed easily which will later be planted in the environment around the campus as an effort towards an environmentally friendly green campus so that later it is hoped that students can get to know more about each type and function of each type of family medicinal plant (TOGA) that exists and through this activity is also expected to maintain, cultivating and preserving Indonesian medicinal plants that are likely to experience extinction.

As is well known, several types of family medicinal plants (TOGA) can be grown easily in the yard or using plastic pot planting media. The family medicinal plants (TOGA) itself consist of turmeric, ginger, kencur, aloe vera, sledri leaves and many more.

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The existence of this family medicinal plant can provide many good benefits for health, one of which is easy to process into herbal drinks such as, sour turmeric herbal medicine, kencur rice herbal medicine, ginger wedang, uwuh wedang and so on.

Herbal medicine is a general term that encompasses a whole range of culinary herbal plants that release aromatic oils when rubbed or cut and are used in cooking to enhance the taste of food. Herbal plants have also been used for thousands of years as medicines, perfumes and insect repellents.

Most Indonesians themselves have used medicinal plants to treat diseases, maintain health and maintain beauty. However, the types of medicinal plants used are still limited to some types that are commonly used.

This happens because the lack of knowledge about the benefits of medicinal plant types is still limited. Knowledge about the benefits or uses of various types of medicinal plants and the parts used is important to continue to be developed and disseminated to the community, because with such knowledge it will have an impact on the existence of the plant itself.

Each medicinal plant has more than one efficacy and several types of medicinal plants have the same uses. This could be because the active ingredients contained by each plant variety and the same active substance are shared by several different types of plants.

With an interesting history of medicinal plants and many of its several types have aromas that can help stimulate the sense of smell which allows it to trigger students' curiosity to visit outside, namely to the campus park so that the atmosphere becomes more lively.

Herbal plants planted in the family medicinal plant garden (TOGA) on campus can also later be used to support curriculum work in science, history and student literacy.

Medicinal plants are not only useful for medicinal materials, but can also be used as an ornamental plant and as an element of the landscape. In addition, other uses of medicinal plants are for flavoring food or spices of various cuisines, as producers of fruits for human and animal consumption, natural dyes, as well as vegetables or meals.

Nowadays it is often found that many plants around us that have been considered ornamental plants, shade plants or even wild plants that are considered useless turn out to have many benefits.

In the innovation of making a family medicinal plant garden (TOGA) starting from cleaning the land that will be used as a family medicinal plant garden (TOGA) from weeds, followed by preparing the soil as a growing medium for family medicinal plants (TOGA) and preparing some seeds or cuttings of ginger, kencur, turmeric, sledri and various other types of medicinal plants that will be planted.

Continued with the second stage, namely the process of planting or breeding family medicinal plants (TOGA) which is carried out by planting seeds or cuttings of the plants already mentioned.

Then seeding plants followed by the holding of plant selection to the land that has been provided or prepared and not forgetting to give a nameplate containing classification data such as local names, scientific names and taxons of each type of family medicinal plant seed (TOGA).

The creation of this plant nameplate aims to attract attention and add insight to readers, especially students who visit the park later.

If this innovation is to be carried out, we also need to carry out maintenance of family medicinal plants (TOGA) that have been planted by watering plants and cleaning them from weeds.

Good and regular maintenance of the family medicinal plant garden (TOGA) in its growth will produce a garden with healthy and optimally growing plants so that it can be utilized if later needed.


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