Go home?

The sun had already said goodbye just after the perfect twilight orange faded and blackened. At that time, the clouds, which used to soar thinly, were now not visible at all, they hid to give the Moon a turn to make out with the Earth. Making out amid the silence of the night.

Incidentally, tonight the Moon is in its beauty, it is in the middle of the Full Moon and the Earth does not want its special date night to be messed up by anyone. Space seemed to belong only to the two of them, which is why all the clouds chose to pull over and the stars tried to dim their bright rays.

"Sister Luna, come in." Reprimand my sister, Ghea. He walked up to me yawning and hugging the pillow.
"yes Ghea, again. You go to bed there first, gih." I replied, driving away the subtle. Ghea went straight inside again, probably not strong enough to resist her sleepiness.

"Luna, just go in there, come on, son," Mama called.
Ah, Too bad, the duration of my me time on the balcony of the house while memorizing the space stories had to stop because of an absolute call from Mama. If not Mama, I wouldn't.
"Yes, Ma." I replied as I hurried over.

Oh, yes. My name is Luna Nur Elea. Just call Luna. The word Mama my name means Bright Moon. And I don't know if by chance, I love to see my twin brother -The Moon- every time I finish dinner.

"Oh, yes. Just now mama accidentally saw, There was a call coming in from Damar."
"Right, Ma?" My response was surprised. Then immediately ran to the dining table, because I deliberately left my phone there.
"Ciee, who wants to go out." Mama's satire after I got through it. My Mama's face is so beautiful tonight, what else was it when she was smiling just now. What do you want?
"Hehehe. Mama just went out with Ghea. Don't bother Luna." My candaku sheepishly then actually ran to the door of the room.

Resin. It's rare for him to contact me, presumably it has been almost a year. That's why once he called, my heart throbbed. I was happy, and so happy that I didn't know what to do. Between going to the bathroom first and washing your face or directly picking up the phone.

Honestly, I love him so much. And you know for yourself that something like this is normal for every woman who will talk to her favorite man.
Resin. I missed him so much.

"Hello, Damar". I said opening the conversation. While busy tidying up my hair and eyelashes, I waited for a reply.
It's true, this is just an audio call. Then why do I tidy up all the hair? Because trying to look beautiful when talking to a beloved man, it's not something to blame, right?
Why is there no reply.
"Damar?" I reprimanded once again, making sure my voice came out on Damar's phone speaker.

"Hello, this is Luna?"
Thankfully, there was a reply. Almost died I made it.
"Why, should you be quiet first with rosin?" I asked in a snarky tone.
"yes, lah. I'm Luna." I explained that the truth doesn't need to be explained.
"You are, yes. Mentang-mentang has often heard the voices of foreign girls, now forgetting the same as the voice of their own girls." Candaku was light while sarcastically followed by a crisp laugh from Damar.
"Nope, I'm just masti'in my boyfriend is still alive, right? Wkwkwk" Damar retorted with a joke. I greeted him with a stir.

I think Damar and I have been dating for almost two years. A full year in high school, and thereafter having to endure the obstacles of a Long Distance Relationship, -or LDR-an- when Damar decided to stay abroad.

"Damar how's there? Isn't it healthy?" I asked really considerately.
Damar was silent.
"If Luna?" Damar said asking back.
"I'm healthy, really. My lecture was also smooth. No obstacles. What is still an obstacle, if you have been missing Damar suddenly confused about what to do." I replied at length.
"Just make a phone call, lah. Can't it?" Cletuk Damar.
"Oh, yes, yes. Just thought of it." I said lightly, laughing at my stupidity.

"Sis, Luna?" Ghea called me. Usual. Maybe just want to sleep together. I ignored it for a while, I also slept in his own room. It's also not good if you call next to people sleeping. In fact, he disturbed Ghea's sleep later.

"Damar when to go home? I asked continuing the conversation.
"Loh, this is not going home?" Damar replied.
I was shocked, between incredulous and overly happy.
"Have you really gone home? If you really go home, you will play here tomorrow." I asked while confirming that what Damar said was true.
"Well, I actually want to, but I can't Luna." Damar replied in a mesmerizing tone.
"I'm sorry, yes," he continued.

Tok! Tok!
"Sister Luna?" Ghea reprimanded again, maybe she was afraid to sleep on her own. What can be done.
"Damar for a while, my sister knocked on the door." I said and then moved to open the door.

Ghea turned out to be standing right in the middle of the door I had just opened. He then entered slowly. At first glance I saw his hand carrying a magazine. Means, he doesn't want to rush to bed at this time. So, I can still continue the phone even if it's only a little while.
here, Ghea is still standing beside me.

I reached back to the phone I put on the bed. Sit down then continued the still-conditional conversation with longing. I really miss Damar.
"Damar, I miss you." My light on rosin is full of honesty.
Damar was silent. I imagine, he was still at a loss as to what to say.
Damar didn't make a sound at all.
"Honestly, I miss Damar." I said again affirming.
Damar was still speechless.

"Luna,..." Damar replied.
Just after Damar said my name after the silence, I heard an unbearable crying sound. Sobbing sobs. I understand, and I'm aware. It was the sound of Damar crying.

Slowly, he tried to speak again. Unable to contain it, my tears also dripped along with every drop of resin tears. I hoped he would cry because he missed me.
"Luna, I miss you too. You're with Ghea well, yes." Damar said in disarray.
I was speechless. Wiping away the tears that came down slowly. I don't get tired of saying it anymore, I really love this guy.
"Luna, ... -"

"Sis!" Ghea shouted loudly. Then smothered me with a cry. Tightly my body was grasped.
"Sister, brother why?" Ghea asked in a perihatin tone. He then showed me one of the article titles from the magazine he opened.
I threw my phone against the wall, backwards and fear.
I actually heard Damar's voice. Not imagination or hallucinations.
Mother? It was mama who told me there was a phone call from Damar.

"Where's Mama?" I asked Ghea who was still tight-knitting.
"Sis, -" "
Ghea? Mama where?"
"Sis!" Ghea snapped, then he led me to look at the article back.
Ah, I was crazy just now. Just had amnesia.

All those memories are now turning back in my brain. An unfortunate memory that I should never forget.
Last year, the four of us took a vacation in the aquatic nature tour for Damar's farewell party who wanted to go abroad. Me, Ghea, Damar and Mama.
Ill-fated, on the way home, Mama's feet slipped and were instantly dragged by the river. Jumping reflex rosin. Ali-instead of taking my Mama home. Until now, I have come back to my senses, that the jungle of the two of them has never been found.

Who was the woman who told me to pick up the phone from Damar? I'm sure, her face is the same as Mama's? She really is Mama! But more beautiful than usual.

Who I've been talking to with someone on the other side of the phone. If it's not Damar, who is he? Why can I clearly hear his voice.

If indeed Mama and Damar are gone, who was talking to me just now?

Again had to admit all compulsions. Only Ghea was left beside me.


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