Creating a Cost-Effective Streaming Content Plan

Considering the speed at which the current digital streaming landscape is evolving right now, movie lovers have more options than ever when it comes to consuming new (and classic) content. Since my life-long passion for film is inextricably linked with my day-to-day work, I've given this very question A LOT of consideration over the last few years.

Here's a step-by-step guide to accessing the best content currently available (both mainstream and niche) without costing yourself a fortune:

1) Cancel your cable television subscription.

2) Put the money you save toward getting a great wi-fi router and, if needed, upgrading your internet to ensure you have enough bandwidth to stream video content.

3) Get a Netflix subscription (Two screens/Ultra HD quality for $8.99/month). This will give you access to some of the best original programming out there, not to mention an extensive catalog of recent releases and classics.

4) Get an HBO NOW subscription ($14.99/month). HBO is still unbeatable, imo, when it comes to both the quantity and quality of original programming, not to mention a decent selection of new releases.

5) Consider subscribing to a niche streaming channel. This should cost between $4.99 and $14.99, depending on what service(s) you select. Here are the best ones for each niche:

**Shudder (horror): $4.99/month

**Filmstruck (Criterion Collection & arthouse): $14.99/month

**SeeSo (original comedies and standup): $3.99/month

**Fandor (indie, arthouse, cult, and foreign): $3.99/month

**PBS Kids (public television programming): FREE (and essential if you have kids in grade school)

6) Splurge on Amazon Prime, which will not only get you free shipping, etc., but will also cover the rest of the best when it comes to original programs, plus fill in the gaps over on Netflix when it comes to currently available streaming titles.

7) Get a library card and put it to use. Public libraries, especially in major metropolitan areas, often have massive (and well-curated) DVD, Bluray, and streaming collections available to you for FREE. No streaming content plan is complete without a strong public library game.

8) Independent video stores round out the list because they're still going to have titles that you can't find anywhere else. And it helps your local economy to patronize these shops every week (or so) because, believe me, you will miss them when they're gone.

This is not an exhaustive list of the current content options available right now, but it is a great way for anyone to immediately gain access to great movies and shows without spending exorbitant amounts of money (or time) to do so. And odds are, it'll probably be cheaper than what you had been paying for cable before you cancelled your subscription!

To see what other tricks Brad has up his sleeve, check out and follow Brad on Twitter >> @jbwilke.

 By J. Brad Wilke

Article Source:  Creating a Cost-Effective Streaming Content Plan

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