The 6 P's Of Why The Best Candidate Often Doesn't Win

The 6 P's Of Why The Best Candidate Often Doesn't Win

By Richard Brody

How often do we hear someone, say, May the best man win, only, to discover, being the most qualified, often, has very little, to do with, the inevitable result? In America, we have consistently, observed, nearly, as many times, the less - qualified individual winning an election, as the individual, who might be better suited and ready for prime time. Perhaps, this has come - to - a - head, and more obvious, this past year, because of the unusual leadership, which resulted from the election, of someone with no previous public service, Donald Trump, to the highest office in our land! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, and discuss, the 6 P's of why, the best candidate, often is not victorious!

1. Popularity: Elections are often, more of a popularity contest, than based on the necessary directions, or decision - making skills, experience, and expertise, which might make someone, more capable of making a difference, for the better! The election of President Trump, over his opponent, Hillary Clinton, was, at least, to some degree, based on her, lack of popularity, and his image/ perception!

2. Personality: Many voters make their decisions, based largely on their perceptions of the personality of the candidates, and who, they may personally like more, rather than who might be best - equipped, and ready for the position! Unfortunately, while a dominant personality, such as Mr. Trump's, has, both, positive, and negative effects, and ramifications!

3. Positions: Candidates often express their positions, using a large degree of empty rhetoric and promises, rather than articulating, how they might do so, with viable, realistic solutions! Most voters seem to be, either unready, or unwilling, to delve more deeply, on whether, the promises made, will have any chance of getting done, and the consistency of their positions!

4. Priorities: Voters should evaluate the priorities, articulated and expressed, by candidates, and consider, whether these, are focused on the best interests of the nation, and citizens, or, might be more, focused on their personal agenda, and/ or self - interest! It often is challenging to identify, when the priorities, articulated, are genuine, relevant, and the best direction!

5. Perceptions: Many voters stated, they voted for Mr. Trump, because of his demonstrated, success, in business, and the private sector, as well as their image of his, based on his reality television persona! If they would have looked beyond their perceptions, they might have realized, he did not have the record, he stated, and bragged about!

6. Prejudices: Many voters, unfortunately, have many prejudices, biases, etc, and these negatives, often dominate their mindset! President Trump, masterfully, played - upon these feelings and emotions, by stoking the flames, with rhetoric and vitriol!

The best candidate, often, is not victorious, but, perhaps, we'd all, be, better served, if voters, took the time, and made the effort, to delve deeply, and consider the ramifications, of voting for a specific candidate, over another! Wouldn't that serve us, all, far better?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

Article Source:  The 6 P's Of Why The Best Candidate Often Doesn't Win

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