Holidays (Part 1)

My name is Mai. I have three friends whom I love very much, they are Saira, Beril and Izah. The four of us are fourth semester students at one of the public universities in West Sumatra. The four of us have been close since the beginning of high school. We are currently contracting in a two-room house.

We made it into our favorite college but different majors. In addition, we also have different properties. It hasn't affected our closeness as friends to date. Today is Sunday night, the four of us chatted in the living room. Soon the Final Semester Exam will take place.

"It doesn't feel like yes, it's going to be UAS soon." I said.
"Yes. We have to plan something after the UAS!" Saira said happily.
"Hey, haven't had an exam yet to plan a vacation!" Beril said mockingly at Saira's remarks.
"At least it can give some encouragement in the exam, right." Bela Saira to his statement.
"It's okay, too. I want a vacation too." I do agree with Saira's remarks.
I'm tired of going to college with assignments that always come in a barrage. After the exam I was able to refresh with my best friend was the best idea.

"Haha, hit you Ril!" Saira mocks Beril. He felt defended because of me.
Izah, who has been sitting with others, has been enjoying reading books.
"Diploma, what do you read?" Beril diverted the topic.
"Saira, you just focus on the exam." The quiet Izah suddenly let out words that made anyone speechless anyway. He didn't say much but was very sensible.
"Haha, I agree with Izah. Then I started studying because it was only a week before the UAS." Beril passed to his room.

I was rooming with Saira. Beril with Izah. I took Saira to go straight to bed, because tomorrow we will go for a morning run. Every week we do. Saira is very fond of sports activities. Sometimes after going for a morning run we swim in our nearby swimming pool.

"Saira, just go to sleep, okay. Tomorrow we become a sport, right." I said.
"Just go first Mai. I want to be here first." Saira said as she lay on the living room sofa.
"Yasudah then, don't be miserly, okay!" I went to leave Saira in the living room alone.

That night I couldn't sleep. I'm reminded of a series that I often watch putting out new episodes every Sunday night. It crossed my mind to watch it. It turned out that three episodes had been missed. I'm glad because of that. While Beril and Izah's room was very peaceful and quiet, my room was very noisy with the sounds of me and Saira who had moved in since earlier. Beril and Izah are indeed smart, they are very focused on learning. They don't like noisy and troublesome things.

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The clock was already 11 o'clock in the evening. We were still having fun chatting while watching. We also often laugh at something. Suddenly came Beril to my room. Saira and I immediately stopped our viewing activities. Beril was most often angry among us.

"I don't focus on studying because you guys are so noisy." Beril in a lazy tone looked at me and Saira.
"I'm sorry you distracted Beril. I'm going to bed soon." I felt guilty, I should have slept but I got carried away.
"It's okay Mai, go to bed soon." said Beril.
"So what? It's a Sunday night, I Just want to play for a while. Come with me." Saira in a relaxed tone stood up and approached Beril.
"Saira you don't make any emotions huh. I have a good talk." Beril already knew Saira's childish nature. He tried not to be provoked.
I've also known Saira's slightly hooligonal attitude and often makes us resigned and overwhelmed if she goes on a whim. But he is a sincere child and very considerate of his friend in front of others.

"Hehe, I'm sorry. I'll go to bed soon after this." Saira said.
"No, it's best to sleep now. I still want to learn. You know, Izah is also disturbed." Beril tried to confirm his remarks.
"If I'm not sleepy how?" retorted Saira.
"Alright guys! Saira let's wash your face to the bathroom immediately. Beril you go back to your room, I make sure there will be no more noise, yes." I'm trying to break the ice so that my friends don't always argue.
"But Mai, I.." wasn't done Saira said I cut it right away.
"It's been-already, let's hurry up! Or tomorrow you don't wake up for a morning run!" I pushed Saira and threatened her to go to the bathroom getting ready for bed.
Beril chuckled lightly at the sight of it. Saira had already resigned herself and passed to the room. The night ended fairly quietly.

The next day, I was awake and performing prayers. The clock struck half past 6, I woke up my friends. I've always been the first to wake up in the rental.
"Saira! Let's get up." I tried to wake him up. Because my voice was not enough, I chose to wake Beril and Izah. They woke up instantly.
"Saira must be still asleep." Beril said, rubbing his eyes.
"Yes, it's really hard when the holiday is awakened." I said resignedly.
"Let me wake him up." Izah suddenly said so and went to my room.

I went on to cook the water and make them drinks. Even though they always forbid me to do that every morning, I still do it because I love it. They are my reason for keeping laughing and smiling.

"Mai, let me make my own drink, the water you have cooked, right." Beril said this and made his own drink.
"Okay Beril." I passed.

We were all ready to go for a morning run. Saira was still sleepy and looked upset. I don't know how Izah woke him up, which obviously Saira didn't like. We all started running, except for Saira who immediately darted away from us. The run is very fast.

"Uh, why is he?" Beril asked.
"He was upset just now, what's the matter." I said.
I looked at Izah as if questioning Saira's matter to her. He didn't ignore me and was busy running.
"Saira wait!" I called him, but he didn't hear.

After a few minutes of our run, we finally met Saira sitting under a mango tree.
"Sai, what are you?" Beril asked, who looked curiously.
"yes what are you?" I worried.
"No friends. I just ran. What is the matter?" Saira's answer was unsatisfactory.
Izah just kept quiet and was busy peeling his hands to his sweaty face. I'm sure if he has anything about Saira. I tried to think positively but I didn't find a reasonable reason for Saira's frown. Usually Saira is upset because of someone's actions if they have acted so. I suspect it's Izah's doing. But, if I ask Izah I'm afraid of offending him because I feel accused.

"Saira are you as upset as I am?" Izah suddenly uttered words.
"..." Saira just kept quiet staring at the sky.


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