How To Choose The Best Film To Watch When You Rarely Go To The Movies

There is something so magical about watching a movie. Whether you're by yourself or with someone, even with a group, the ability to ride the "suspension of disbelief" wave during the course of a film is an experience that everyone should have at least once in their life. But if you're not a frequent movie watcher, you'll have a few decades of films to watch. What's more, if you tend to stay away from the theater, how exactly do you find your way back again?

Choosing a movie, at least for the standard moviegoer, isn't a science, but for the infrequent movie watcher, there's more involvement and requires a little more work.

For starters, reading some film critiques may be a good way know what to expect before you venture out. You have a chance to learn about film plots, and let you make an educated decision about whether a movie is right for you. Newspapers, websites, and magazines all have film critiques for your consumption. Though movie critics are often looked at as being a little out of touch with what actually is good and may strike a chord with the general public, it's important to know you, too, are a bit out of the loop with watching movies, so you could learn a lot from some of their reviews.

Also, don't be afraid to check out lists of movies that will be, or are already, out. Trying to keep track of all available films is almost impossible. Think about how many times you've seen a list of movie award show winners and thought, 'I have never even heard about these movies'.

You can also use the internet and try going through the filmography of a great director. You may realize that the same directors are attached to some of the best movies in recent history. Their names carry weight, and that may be a good reason to check out a new movie. You can also do the same with actors' names whose work you've enjoyed in the past. As much of a fan as you are, some actors have a ridiculously long list of acting credits for things you may have missed but won critical acclaim.

Finally, ask your family and friends for some advice. You no doubt have at least one movie buff around you who has seen everything, critiqued everything, and can give you a thorough rundown of all theatrical offerings. They not only can give you a better idea of what to expect but can perhaps steer you in the right direction based on your tastes. They can also steer you to various online video sites that have movie trailers galore, both short and theatrical versions.

In the end, only you can make the decision that suits you best when it comes to choosing a movie to watch. It's important to remember that there will always be films to watch, but going to the movie theater to check out a film where it was meant to be watched shouldn't be missed.

For more information on the total movie theater experience,   click here today.

 By Morris Raymond

Article Source: How To Choose The Best Film To Watch When You Rarely Go To The Movies

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