Tips to Follow When Travelling Abroad

Everyone loves to travel abroad, be it for pleasure or for business. However, travelling abroad is not as easy as just booking the ticket and packing a bag. To have a hassle free travel, here are certain tips you can follow.

1. Book the ticket well in advance if you know the dates

Most of the travel sites offer very good discounts if you book the tickets in advance. Try to make use of these discounts when you book tickets. So try to plan your trip in advance. Of course, if it is a sudden business trip, you can't help it.

2. Have your passport handy always

Frequent travellers know how important it is to have the passport safe and handy. Keep it in a safe place and have it renewed at the correct time. Even when you are travelling abroad, keep the passport on your person in your handbag or a wallet. While flying too, have it in your hand luggage.

3. Have sufficient currency of the country you are visiting

It is important that you exchange the Indian rupees to the currency of the country that you are travelling to. Also have international debit cards and traveler's cheques with you. One might never know when you need extra money while travelling abroad.

4. Be sure to get your visa

Some countries require that you take your visa before you leave your home country while others issue one as soon as you land in their country. Understand the protocol of the country you are travelling to and make provisions to get the visas.

5. Have a phrase book handy

Sometimes you may need to travel to a country where English is not spoken commonly like in, say, China or Germany. In such a case, be sure to have a phrase book to look up the phrases of common words in the local language. You have to be able to manage in the local language when you go to a restaurant to eat or when you want to buy something.

6. Know more about the place beforehand

If you are visiting a place for pleasure, you will have an itinerary to visit the various places there. Even if you are going to a country abroad for business, try to make some time to visit the tourist spots at least and have a taste of the local cuisine.

I am sure that these tips will help you a lot in having a fun filled holiday or a satisfactory business trip. Be sure to mix business with a little pleasure as well.

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 By Aman Tumukur Khanna

Article Source: Tips to Follow When Travelling Abroad

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