What Is A Workflow Solution?

Large businesses already have an idea of what a workflow solution is however many SMMEs battle to get their workflow to function efficiently. In short, a workflow solution is the method of controlling and managing the flow of orders and documents within an organisation. It is the process of when an order is received, capturing all the documents along the way until the order is completed. For some businesses this procedure is short as in it only involves one or two staff members whereas for other businesses it involves a lengthy step-by-step process that involves anything from four to ten staff members.

There are many workflow solutions available for small to large businesses that involve either keeping a paper trail or documenting all the information via a computer system. It is imperative that any business keep record of all the orders that come through their doors. When an order is received, it is necessary for them to capture the order on a computer software system so that other staff members within the organisation can track the order and update its status at any given time during the order process. With this information on a computer software system it allows the customer service team to keep the customer informed of the status of their order until it is dispatched. It is, therefore, imperative that a business has the most efficient workflow solution implemented so that staff members are able to keep track of information. Workflow solutions also need to be easy to use as well as efficient in processing documentation. It is ideal for a workflow solution to be coupled with a scanning system so that any hardcopy documents can be scanned and attached to the relevant orders. Companies such as banks or law firms that are reliant on original signed documents need to keep track of such information. When a legal document is uploaded to a customer record, it is quick and easy to retrieve the correct information when it is required. This allows your staff members to find information quickly which, in turn, makes your workforce more effective.

An efficient workflow solution and document scanning system can save companies a lot of money as well as improve the productivity of staff members. This improvement can result in increased orders, faster processing of orders, quick retrieval of documents and happier clients. Therefore the correct workflow solution can help a business to grow from strength to strength.

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 By Suniel Seejiram

Article Source: What Is A Workflow Solution?

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