Why You Should Stop Worrying About Natural Talent For Guitar

Want to become a better guitarist faster? Stop worrying about your level of natural talent for guitar. Thinking about how much talent you have (or don't have) slows down your progress for 3 reasons:

You Self-Sabotage Yourself

Blaming slow progress on (perceived) lack of talent becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you believe you lack having talent, you stop trying to improve your guitar playing. This stops your progress in its tracks.

If you believe you do have a lot of starting talent, it's easy to become complacent and expect talent to do the work for you. This makes you lazy and unmotivated to practice and slows down your progress.

It Distracts You From The Important Things That Really Matter

It takes a lot of work to become a good guitar player, whether you have natural talent or not. No guitar player becomes great from talent alone. The best guitarists practiced long and hard to develop their skills.

It's impossible to know your level of natural talent until YOU do everything possible to become the very best guitarist you can be.

Your Level Of Natural Talent Doesn't Actually Matter

"Talent" is the body's (and mind's) natural tendency to do things correctly. Guitarists with natural talent instinctively practice the right way, learn to integrate their skills and apply them to music. The vast majority of guitar players can't do this on their own.

Good news: when you follow the same process great guitarists follow, YOU achieve the same level of greatness. An expert guitar teacher teaches you everything that naturally talented guitarists know and do. This installs talent into your mind and hands and makes the amount of natural talent you have completely irrelevant.

(Note: most guitar teachers are not experts. Choose your guitar teacher carefully.)

What You Should Do Now:

1. Realize that your guitar playing future is within your control. You alone determine how good of a guitar player you become.

2. Learn simple steps you can take right now to become a better guitar player faster.

3. Find and work together with a great guitar teacher. To ensure you work with the best teacher possible, look on their website to find guitar teaching certification and proof that they've helped other students get big results. Once you've found this, contact them and discuss your major musical goals. Then begin lessons together and start making faster progress than you've ever made!

Tom Hess is a highly successful guitar teacher, recording artist and virtuoso guitar player. He teaches guitar players from all over the world in his online guitar lessons. Visit his website to get free    guitar playing resources and to read more guitar playing articles.

 By T. Hess

Article Source: Why You Should Stop Worrying About Natural Talent For Guitar

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