Write And Learn

Writing helps recording thoughts and ideas. It is always recommended by the learned to write down any innovative ideas that strikes your mind. In India, we have a samskaraknown as 'akshar-abhyasa', first day of formally learning the alphabet. In earlier days, Sages and Brahmins used to recite and remember sutras and hymns, which were then reciprocated among the pupils. Need of recording the original concept without any prejudice or adulteration was soon felt among scholars. Simple language then stared getting complex due to evolution of grammar and soon, writing metamorphosed into an art.

Writing compels to put original thoughts into words. Using correct vocabulary and sentence structure further makes it easier for the reader to understand. Mind registers many thoughts, but they appear quite hazed, vague and are likely to fade away with time, unless their conclusions are kept in written.

I notice, many students and especially adults learning foreign language who laze when they are asked to write. A simple self-satisfaction which aids this procrastination is a feeling of knowing enough. Well enough, for roaming out in a foreign country where other known language for ex. English or any other known language is also widely spoken. This hinders learning more, quest for knowing more. One is more comfortable using the known language than learning a new language altogether. Learning a foreign language can be challenging as the brain refuses to mould itself easily to think in the other language. Writing can address such difficulties. Self-Construction of simple sentences can easily leverage language learning capabilities.

Writing supports the learners to understand that one doesn't know much vocabulary required to express the thoughts one intends to, or the sentences sound very monotonous and simple; and they lack the beauty of grammar. This feeling of not knowing, forces one's inner conscious to learn and implement the vocabulary and grammar. This also helps the learner to remember the context in which the grammatical rule is to be used. I suggest to imagine similar such contexts and frame sentences, which makes comprehending the sentence structure rather easy and replicable. Now, that's the basic idea behind all the grammar practice books. Instead of buying a ready-made copy, challenge your brain to frame a range of sentences from simple to most complex. As complex as you can, only then refer the book.

What if you are learning the beginner level of any language, no problem! Get inspired from toddlers and children, laugh at your ignorance and attempt to write.

Apt usage of grammatical complexities, like conjunctions and punctuation, adds to beauty of the language and hits the right note. It requires proper use and understanding of grammar, to make sense. Wrong grammar can change the entire meaning. Any English teacher gives examples in order to make students understand the importance of conjunctions; we will never forget this one:

'Let's eat grandpa!' and 'let's eat, grandpa!'

Formal usage of language like that in the legal, scientific or political realm doesn't appreciate emotional involvement as in poetry or novels, and requires only appropriate vocabulary. And this reason makes the professionals in this field to neglect writing for a good. So, when it comes to writing an article or publishing something, catastrophic language fails ruin all the hard work. And trust me, the readers might or might not appreciate the piece of work, but they will remember you for making that fail. Life should move on, but not without writing! Practice jotting down points during study, research and practice writing it in the recommended or accepted formats which will help to arrange the ideas and connecting spaces. And that is all! Be it the official communication or research articles, you would never get those nightmares again. People keep up their confidence levels by writing before delivering lectures, interviews etc. Common habit of taking own notes also justifies that writing aids memorizing things.

Write, whatever comes to your mind, whatever you know, whatever you feel is good for you and others. Maintain a personal diary. As one comes to life, one adapts oneself to express through any art-form; and, when you know a language, nothing helps better than writing.

And if you are also a language teacher, make your students learn more through writing!

Expressing thoughts in any language doesn't keep it foreign for long. So, attempt to learn a foreign language and start expressing through it.

PS: Do not forget to 'write' your feedback in the comments section below.

 By Rucha Aashish Washikar

Article Source: Write And Learn

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