What The World Needs Now Are CALMING Leaders

What The World Needs Now Are CALMING Leaders

By Richard Brody

Regardless of one's political orientation, or which candidates and policies, one supports and endorses, most would agree, we are living in stressful, tense times, etc! While, there may be differences, of opinions, regarding, how to proceed, and address the needs, goals, and priorities, there should be nearly - universal agreement, the world would consistently benefit, from having CALMING leadership! In these times, of President Donald Trump, and often, excessive dependence on populist rhetoric and empty promises, combined with excessive vitriol, and a tendency to avoid personal responsibility, and resorting to blaming and complaining, wouldn't a re - dedication, to calm leadership, which might be less confrontational, and focused on possibilities, and peace, better serve our needs, and those of the rest of the planet? With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly review, examine, and consider, using the mnemonic approach, why we should seek, these types of leaders.

1. Calm; clarity; cooperative; character: What the leader of the free world, says and does, often demonstrates, his true character, or, at least, how he must be perceived, by others! Our leader should be calm, and consider, alternatives, options, and ramifications, rather than resorting to confrontational behavior! The greater the clarity, and willingness to attempt to prioritize, being cooperative, the better the results, will generally be!

2. Astute; analysis; attention: Donald Trump, at the very minimum, often behaves impulsively, and fails to pay keen attention, to needs, priorities and ramifications! Today, perhaps more than ever, America needs astute leadership, based on comprehensive analysis, of the bigger - picture!

3. Listen; learn; leadership: Rather than assuming one knows - all, and emphasizing his own, personal agenda, and/ or self - interest, quality leadership must be based on effectively listening, and learning from every conversation, and experience!

4. Make mark; motivate; meaningful; meeting of minds: We need public officials, who hope to make their mark, for the better! How will this leadership be truly meaningful, unless it tends to motivate and inspire, and bring people together? Rather than being adversarial, and/ or polarizing, calming leaders. do all they can, to unite and unify, and create a meeting of the minds, for the common good!

5. Integrity; ideology; intentions: Unless/ until one's constituents perceive someone to maintain absolute integrity, it will be increasingly challenging, to bring people together, and unify them! Unfortunately, President Trump, in his first year in office, as well as throughout his previous career, has developed a reputation, for lacking this basic instinct, and often, resorting, to, at the very least, stretching the truth! In addition, it is challenging and difficult, to understand his real, basic ideology, because he, so often, changes his positions, etc! Wouldn't we all be better served, if the intentions, of our leaders, focused on serving our best interests?

6. Negotiations; needs: Donald Trump, often, brags about his negotiating skills, and how he, alone, has the ability to negotiate, in the best interests of our citizens! Quality leadership should focus on the needs of our electorate!

7. Generate goodwill: If America, elected public officials, whose emphasis was focused on generating goodwill, rather than their personal agenda, and this leadership was focused and calming, we'd be far better off!

Let's hope America learns its lessons, and elects CALMING leaders, in the future! Unless we do, it's entirely possible, the world might become somewhat unrecognizable!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source: What The World Needs Now Are CALMING Leaders

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