Accomplish More Through Doing More

By Daniel Blanchard

Life has a way of balancing itself out, doesn't it? Just look at nature and we will see this balancing everywhere we look. Day balances out the night. Summer balances winter and fall balances spring. The complex natural carbon cycle balances the carbon dioxide needed by plants with the oxygen needed by animals for us all to breathe and survive. We cannot have one without the other. So, if this balancing act takes place in nature, then doesn't it make sense for this balancing act to also happen in our everyday lives too?

Check out this balancing act. My Granddaddy once told me that if you do nothing then you get nothing. Balanced, right? Logical, right? And since it is logical, then wouldn't it also be logical that if you did something then you should get something? For example, if we didn't work, then we wouldn't expect a paycheck, right? Not balanced, right? But, now on the other side of this equation, if we did work, then we would expect a paycheck, right? Yeah... Of course. Now, this seems to be adding up and making sense. So, where do you think I am going next with this doing stuff?

Yup! You guessed it. If you do nothing and get nothing, and do something and get something, then it only makes sense that if we do more then we will get more, right? Furthermore, if we do a lot more then we will get a lot more. Just like nature is balanced, so are our own personal lives. Whether we like it or not life has a way of balancing out. Do more, and the pendulum swings to us getting more. Do less, and the pendulum swings the other way to us getting less.

Now teens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember to accomplish more by doing more. It's the simplest way to becoming more successful and living the full balanced life that you deserve. And once again, thank in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-winning author, speaker, and author Dan Blanchard wants you to balance your success out by doing more to get it. For more great tips from Dan be sure to visit his website at Thanks.

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