Missing: fear and love for God

Passage: Psalm 3

3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him. (Psalm 4, NIV)–emphasis added

Fear of God and Love for God has almost disappeared from our churches

The psalmist (David) lived for God even as he could have easily succumbed to pressures and pleasures. He had power, possessions and possibilities

One of the tricks of the devil is that he will tell you, you have very unique opportunities to sin, and that no one else gets such “chances”.

That is what he tells to almost everybody!

God  knows that you have opportunities to fall. But He is warning of the consequences. Comparing the “pros” and “cons”, sin is not worth going for. God never lies. Devil does not speak real truth either

David loved and feared God at all times. When he sinned, he repented completely. David was a man who would not bother about what people say. As a very young man, when he was getting ready to face Goliath, his own brothers discouraged him. But David knew what he was going to do. So he went ahead and got Goliath

Another time, he was dancing and worshiping in front of God’s Ark. His wife Michal, also daughter of Saul, made fun of him. David didn’t even care!

If David would care for anything, that would be about a report from God

Aren’t we just the opposite of David? Don’t we give much importance to what people say, and less importance to what God says?

God has separated and sanctified people who take God serious. Who those people are, will be known only at the coming of Christ. There will be some from your church and mine, but not all!

See what else God does for those who fear God

19 How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. (Ps 31, NIV)

10 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; 11 the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. (Ps 147, NIV)

God delights in those who fear God; He showers His goodness upon them

Do a self analysis, how much you love and fear God

Have a blessed day!


Prayer: Father God, thank you for blessing every day and hour of my life so that I can be rest assured in you. Help me glorify your name through the things I do, words I speak and the thoughts I think today. In Jesus; name; Amen

When God is in front of you, you are heading in the right direction

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