What Is God’s Love Like?

What Is God’s Love Like?

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. Ephesians 1:5(KJV)

Why does God love us as imperfect as we are? Because He wants to, it pleases Him. It’s in His very nature to love us, no matter how sinful our actions may be.

God conquers evil with good (see Romans 12:21). He does that by pouring out His limitless grace upon us so that when we sin, His grace becomes greater than our sin. And just as it is impossible for God not to love, so it is impossible for us to do anything to keep Him from loving us.

God loves because that is His nature. He is love (see 1 John 4:8). He may not always love everything we do, but He does love us. God’s love is the power that forgives our sins, heals our emotional wounds and mends our broken hearts (see Psalm 147:3). God’s love is unconditional; it is based on Him, not us! Once you realize that God loves you regardless of what you have or haven’t done, you can experience incredible breakthrough. You can quit trying to earn His love and simply receive it and enjoy it.

Prayer Starter: God, Your love is incredible. Focusing on Your love reminds me that it’s based on Your goodness, not my actions. Help me to receive Your love for me.

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