Why, It's Often, A Matter Of MIND, Over Matter?

Much of life, imitates art, and the comical genius, Groucho Marx, explained, much of this, when he stated, in his unique way, It's a matter of mind over matter, and if you don't have a mind, it doesn't matter! How we think, and perceive things, our personal set of values, attitude, and self - image/ beliefs, generally, is significant, in terms of, whether, we will be able to enjoy the happiest, and, usually, healthiest life! Will your MIND be your friend, or will you, be your worst enemy? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, how we can, either, help ourselves, or proceed, in a far less beneficial manner!

1. Make mark; motivate/ motivating; meaning: What do you consider, the meaning, of your life, and existence? Are your actions, and behaviors, personally, motivating, and, does it enhance your ability to make your mark, in a positive manner? Will you proceed to motivate yourself, in a positive, proactive manner? At the end of the day, what do you consider, the essence, of the meaning of your life?

2. Ideas; imagination; important; insights; image: When you are introspective, are you proud of your core set of ideas, and purpose? Do you possess an imagination, to drive yourself, forward, consistently, in an important, relevant way? How important, will you, consider your health, and well - being, and are your personal insights, relevant, and helpful? Will you possess a true, self - image, and do, all you can, to serve yourself, in a true, form of self - help?

3. Needs: When was the last time, you considered, yourself, and your personal needs? How do you know, whether your needs, fulfill your purposes? Will you consider, how to reduce your stress level, by liking yourself, more, and understanding, far more, about, what makes you tick?

4. Delve deeply; determine; discover: How deeply, will you examine yourself, in a truly, introspective, objective manner, so you might, better understood, your strengths, weaknesses, what you enjoy (and makes you feel good), etc? Will you strive, to be, proud, of yourself? How will you determine, your personal best course, of action, and behavior? Take the time, to discover, your personal truths, and seek, to live up, to the best of your expectations!

Happiness, and well - being/ health, are, to a very large degree, up, to you! Will you take the responsibility for your actions?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health: http://facebook.com/althealth

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