Got A Shoestring Budget? Never Mind, You Can Still Travel

Travelling is a fun thing to do - there's a lot you can explore and relate with, but most of all you can relax and get away from the mundane routine of life. The bet part of travelling can however be traveling with a bunch of friends - the kind of friends that never make you feel old and the ones who you can happily share your food and drinks with.

The reality however is a lot more different than you think it is - your concern will always be on managing the budget most appropriately without any major complications. This article has some of the best tips for you when you've got a shoestring budget and want to travel with a group of friends.

Check for Group Discounts - The best part about travelling in a group is that you can easily avail the group discounts wherever applicable. However, if there's no group discount available, you can request for it and chances are the ninety percent of the time you will get it. Getting a group discount means you'll be saving a lot of money, which means you've efficiently managed your budget in the first step.

Get Cheapest Air Tickets - Try to get the cheapest air tickets because let's be clear you spend the maximum part of the budget on air tickets. It is advisable to opt for economy flight tickets over business class, unless of course you're willing to spend a huge sum on just airfare.

Plan In Advance - Planning in advance is always a great idea because you have enough time to buy tickets and arrange your stuff, as well as to arrange for your stay. Also, if you're leaving on a pre-planned trip chances are you'll always have enough information about the place and you will be able to decide the places you wish to visit and the ones you can neglect.

Try Public Transportation - Using public transportation the best thing you can do once you reach your travel destination. Doing so will not only save a lot of money from your group budget but will also help you interact with the locals, thus letting you understand their culture. Remember, some of the best conversations happen at the most unexpected places with the most unexpected people; who knows yours might happen while you're taking the local transport facilities.

Youth Hostels Instead of Hotels - Hotels can be really expensive especially if you've got no advance bookings. You can however avoid this problem by going for youth hostels instead of hotels. Youth hostels unlike hotels will charge you less amount of money and even with lesser amenities you will surely have a great time.

With these above-mentioned tips you and your group of friends will definitely be able to make a great trip in a shoestring budget, and the memories will indeed be beautiful.

Happy Travelling Friends!

 By Shak Moosa

Article Source: Got A Shoestring Budget? Never Mind, You Can Still Travel

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