Increasing Popularity of Teaching English Abroad

Are you willing to build a teaching career abroad? Do you integrate innovative techniques in your teaching process for engaging pupils? Can you easily adjust with students of all age groups and backgrounds? If the answer to all these above-mentioned questions is a Yes, you are perfect for being an ESL teacher abroad. These teachers are mainly recruited by educational institutions in countries, where English is not the native language. As the world is transforming into a global village, most of the leading nations are realizing the need for a common language. This led to the burgeoning demand of ESL educators in the non-English speaking countries.

The schools in these nations have started including the language in their syllabus, which would save their future generations from lagging behind due to communication issues. In the further discussion, we would explore about this program in detail and also delve into the pros and cons of teaching English as a foreign language.

What is an ESL Programme?

ESL is a coursework devised for students, who want to learn English as their second, third or fourth language. The teachers hired for this purpose are generally bilingual and they develop the listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) skills in the students. These programs offer a convenient atmosphere to students, who are willing to learn a different language.

Being an ESL teacher obviously offers you with both advantages and challenges. You can only relish the benefits if you are ready to meet the difficulties. Mentioned below are certain positive and negative aspects of teaching English in the foreign nations.

The Favorable Facets

1. Individuals would get a great opportunity of visiting to new places. Having a career would allow them to travel to exotic destinations during the vacations.

2. They could know more about the traditions and cultures of the country. It is a great chance of learning about the history, festivals, customs and aspirations of a completely new part of the world.

3. People could learn a new language. They could easily join the many institutes located here for the foreigners. Knowing more languages would prove to offer better career prospects.

4. Teaching abroad could be a quite lucrative profession. They would be offered with comfortable places of accommodation and other facilities. Apart from high pay, career abroad has certain other affluence.

5. It is the best way of personal and professional development. Staying abroad would make an individual ready for all sorts of challenges and uncertainties that life might thrust on them. Moreover, a career in aboard would help them in the future. An international experience could be quite profitable for them.

The only challenge of teaching abroad is that there are many unprofessional schools, which are only concerned about accumulating wealth and do not give quality service. Being contracted to such unworthy institutions would be disgraceful. Such schools lack structure, they do not give enough textbooks and here no one could expect development. Thus, before getting into any agreement, an individual must scrutinize every aspect of such institutions.

Rajib Saha is an author, who writes about the privileges of teaching English abroad. Although there are many leading nations in need of teachers, he advises the aspiring educators for teaching ESL in China.

 By Rajib KR Saha

Article Source: Increasing Popularity of Teaching English Abroad

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