Issac Newton's Law of Inertia

In this particular article, readers will be able to understand Issac Newton's Law of Inertia by learning its meaning and through real world examples. Physics, as we all know it has is the natural science, which involves the study of matter and its motion. Believe or not, we use physics in our everyday lives, people use it such as athletes, dancers and so on and so forth.

Physics, as we all know it is the natural science, which involves the study of matter and its motion. Believe or not, we use physics in our everyday lives, people use it such as athletes, dancers and so on and so forth. One of the most known men in the physics world is by the name of Sir Isaac Newton. Newton was a famous mathematician, astronomer, and physicist. One of his most famous contributions to the world of physics were his three laws of motion. One of those including his first law known as the Law of Inertia.

So, all you must be thinking, what is that? I have never heard of such thing! Well, to start, of inertia is basically a tendency to do nothing and to remain unchanged. Newton's Law of Inertia is when an object at rest will remain at rest unless it's acted by a sudden or unbalanced force. The object in motion continues with the same speed and direction unless another unbalanced force is acted upon it. An unbalanced force is also known as what we call a net force.

What in the world does this all mean? All of this basically means that there is a natural tendency of objects to continue what they are performing or doing. To make a lot simpler for all of you, a great example of Newton's Law of Inertia is something that we all have already experienced, which is when you are in auto mobile while it's braking at a stop. The given force on the road on the wheels gives an unbalanced force to car's state of motion, which means there is no unbalanced force to change your OWN state of motion. Moreover, your body still continues to be in motion, sliding along the seat in forward motion. A person who is moving in motion remains at the same speed and direction UNLESS acted on an unbalanced force such as a seat belt. The seat belts demonstrate Newton's law.

Another easier example that beautifully demonstrates Newton's Law of Inertia is a tablecloth being removed rapidly from underneath the dishes. The dishes have the tendency to remain still as possible if the friction from the movement of the tablecloth is not overboard. An interesting one is how injuries are caused in your brain. When a human being is experiencing a concussion, that occurs because your brain is still moving while the outside skull is stopped, and that is what causes injuries. The point being is that we all probably have experienced Newton's Law of Inertia whether we realize it or not.

 By Karla M Mora

Article Source: Issac Newton's Law of Inertia

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