Living In Our Psychic Reality

We have all had moments of telepathy, for instance, when we experience someone picking up on our thoughts, or those times when we know what someone is about to say or what they are feeling. Likewise, we have had those moments when we know something is about to happen. Experiences such as these are significant but are common responses of extra sensory perception in our daily activities.

Our challenge is staying in a positive frame of mind because our attitude of the things we intuit affects us and those around us. Pretty hard to do when what you are picking up on is a wrongful deed or what's even more frightening is when you are picking up on a natural disaster around you. That eerie feeling or fear goes out into the environment and creates eerie, fearful feelings in others and adds more negativity to the event that you are intuiting.

We inwardly recognize that our attitude toward others and what we pick up is important and has a significant influence. When we can keep our energies high in positive thought that uplifts ourselves and others during the process, the outcomes can become more favorable. Living with this awareness means to consciously look at the energy of the situation for what it is and negotiate with that energy an intelligent, responsive dynamic to unfold.

As our psychic realities continue to develop and merge with one other we begin to move our attentions to the global flow of energy pools. Within these pockets of positive psychic energy around the world we feel an immediate rush of power and security, even exhilaration is achieved. In light of this new understanding of our energy fields we are forced to look at the worlds energy-competitive societies. Governments of people manipulating others in their consumption of supplies and power in a vicious trap of negativity.

During the enormous shifts in governments, emergence of land and ocean movements we can shift our attentions to the sacred sites on every continent that have remain intact and unite our energies. Instead of having to struggle against negative aggression, we can apply our sense of positive energy into action through our meditative states of intention.

This phenomenon in our psychic reality seems to occur on all levels of our human experience. We then have a transcendental occurrence to the degree of unity we feel toward the sacred sites around us. While in this altered state we are capable to transmit this reality out into the world in the highest levels of tranquility and peace. This is truly living in our psychic reality.

 By Barbara Garcia

Article Source: Living In Our Psychic Reality

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