Psychic Attack and Seductions

Everyone lives within energy fields and when we pass from this physical world we carry with us the memories and the attachments of co-mingling with other energy fields. The entire Universe is made up of energy. As we exchange energies with people, vegetations, animal kingdoms, spirits, dimensional beings, and all kinds of other things, we are connecting to it on all levels of our existence.

We have countless attachments to the everything around us from our past, our present, and our future within our memories and in our intentions. Once we take responsibility for what we are as energy generators and conduits we are able to consciously control what we accept and project outwards to people. Being mindful of our inner joys, sadness, sexual stimulations, and anger allows us to take control.

Psychic seductions are no different than psychic attacks. Those who project their energy inappropriately on another person is violating that person. The energy exchange is by a psychic force and has no intentions of developing a meaningful relationship. We all need to continually clear our energy fields and to understand that the psychic energies we emit is influenced by the electrical and magnetic conditions around us.

Those of us who have ever taken a class in Qigong understand the mechanics of generating the waves of energy which can be maneuvered against any psychic attack. It is a wonderful way to clear out the invading forces and our blockages that interfere with our vital energy flow.

If we find ourselves in such an energetic predicament with another person it is important to immediately raise the consciousness by focusing our attention on higher love, lightness, and connect to the environment. From this higher state of mind we can look at our situation and the person with a detachment from his or her control. We are able to address the higher self of the person and project a spiritual energy which will diffuse the situation.

In this process of raising the vibrations of a psychic attack we are empowered to use the process daily as a higher more ethical attitude toward others. We quickly learn to increase everyone's energy around us to their higher potential. The results of this practice is amazingly positive because everyone begins to communicate on a higher level of clarity.

Our next step in creating a more secure, harmonious environment is with our shared insights and intuitions of what is happening in the world and how we, as intuitive sensitive's can influence it with our combined energies. Our psychic culture is evolving and freeing up the stagnated economic systems to spring forth our natural bountiful resources in every industry.

 By Barbara Garcia

Article Source: Psychic Attack and Seductions

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