The Magic of Natural Force

Have you ever wondered how it is that when you sit on a chair you don't go down like you would if you were sitting on a bean chair? Well the answer is simple it is the act of Natural Force. Maybe you are thinking well the chair consists of an apron which is used to support the seat but there is more to that. NF is being applied to our everyday lifestyle but since it is so natural to us and normal then we tend to not pay that much attention but through this by the time you finish reading this, you will be amazed at everything that comes with the force.

There is a lot that comes included with Natural force, for example the reason to why it is that when you sit on a marshmallow you slump down rather than being held up. While sitting on a marshmallow you are putting your weight on the marshmallow which causes it to go down and bring you down. If you take a table and put an object on top, the object does not sink in but it stays up, this is because when you put your weight down there is an applied force pushing it back up. You see if the weight of the object is 1N then the natural force will be 1N. That is so the object can stay up and it will not sink or be brought down.

This is very effective to our everyday lifestyle because although sometimes it could be very comfortable depending on the material it could be very messy and things could easily get lost. Also, if the force did not exist then it could also be dangerous because it would affect most the items we don't even think about. A car for example, if it is 80, 000N then the natural force of the street is 80, 000N so that the street can resist the car that is being driven on it. If NF was to not exist, then the car or automobile would not have any support to lift it up. Although there are many more forces being applied in our daily routines, natural force is one that is taken in to least consideration. Through this it has been proven that applied force is important, it is not commonly talked about in conversations because people tend to just expect it but most generally never question it.

 By Grace Sanchez

Article Source: The Magic of Natural Force

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