Politicians Have Opinions, But Facts Are Facts! 5 Scenarios

By Richard Brody

A wise man once said, everyone is entitled, to his own, personal opinion, but, not, his own facts! The difference between an opinion, and a fact, is, regardless of one's personal agenda, self - interest, etc, there are only one set of actual facts. Those who, either, have observed, or been involved, in any sort of political campaign, or occurrences, should realize, politicians often, publicly deny actual facts, in order to articulate the positions, which they favor! Perhaps, never, in recent memory, has this been more obvious, than it is. in today's political climate, etc. We will attempt to briefly, review, 5 scenarios, where this occurs.

1. Consistency of politician's rhetoric, when, his party, is, in power, versus out: Many should remember, when Obama was President, and the G.O.P. controlled the Congress, many Republican legislators, constantly complained about budget deficits, responsible fiscal leadership/ management, etc. However, now that Republicans dominate the Executive and Legislative Branches, they seem to, proceed, without caring about balancing the budget, etc. If fiscal responsibility is important, it is, at all times, not merely, when it might be convenient, and/ or, self - serving! Unfortunately, the leadership of President Donald Trump, appears to be more focused on populism and rhetoric, than getting things done, for the common good!

2. Trickle - down economics: No matter how many times, certain politicians proclaim, everyone benefits, when there are significant tax breaks, for the corporations, and wealthiest, does not, make it facts! In fact, this concept, which has been referred to, as, trickle - down economics, has never succeeded, previously, in the United States. When this was attempted, when Ronald Reagan, was President, the result was an undesired deficit, which then, shortly thereafter, brought on, a variety of additional taxes, introduced.

3. Health care: While there is little down, there were several flaws, in the Affordable Care Act, and while a candidate, Trump, proclaimed, he would repeal it, and replace it, with better and less expensive health care, the reality is, every attempt made, by this President, and Congress, has appeared to achieve any beneficial changes, for most of the population!

4. Immigration: America was founded by immigrants, and has grown, because of them. Obviously, everyone except Native Americans, comes from an immigrant family, yet the President, has articulated a message, complaining about, and blaming immigrants and immigration, in a way, which has pitted one segment of our nation, against another! How can we Make America Great, unless we honor all the freedoms and liberties, which we are based upon?

5. Budgeting: Nations have never succeeded, and/ or evolved, as they should, when they fail to consider the need, for responsible budgeting. The potential negative ramifications of the excessive budget deficits, we are currently experiencing, will impact, our nation's economy, for years, to come, regardless, of the rhetoric of President Trump, etc!

Facts - are - facts, whether they agree with one's personal opinion, political agenda, and/ or self - interest! Look beyond politicians rhetoric, and responsible, and demand, outside - the - box, but realistic, relevant leadership!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

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