Local Wisdom Indonesia's Nature Conservation Shortcuts

Disasters for Indonesia's Nature

Indonesia is a country that has extraordinary natural wealth potential. Which country does not look at the country of Indonesia, which businessman is not drugged by the coffers of money to be printed, definitely wants to plug his investment faucet so that the wallet bag is filled with "fulus". Indonesia, which is the largest in Southeast Asia, stores "treasures" under its earth such as oil, gold, tin, copper, nickel and natural gas. Its tropical climate also brings blessings to its inhabitants, try to imagine the many fish and plants living in this country that make "drool" at home and foreign businessmen he-he-he.

But increasingly, the increasing nature of Indonesia and the severity of the impact on the people who until now are still "kere" only. Yuk! Let's be a little nostalgic for the occurrence of natural damage which became catastrophic because of the actions of humans, the cool language is commonly called "man made disaster".

The first one, there is a flood of hot mud in the popular language "Lumpur Lapindo" in Sidoarjo, East Java Province, surely you know?. The hot mud pool in Sidoarjo was caused by "PT. Lapindo Brantas" which again drilled oil and gas in 2006, well maybe a miscalculation or again apes ended up being an unusually horrified disaster. Furthermore, there are approximately 16 villages in 3 districts that have been inundated by hot mud pools and until now have not been completely resolved.

Then, the second one is the Indonesian forest fires in 2019, do you still remember?. This fire occurred again due to the factor of "intentionality" of humans for the benefit of clearing plantation and agricultural land that occurs during the dry season, it's really a whim! It was recorded that in 2019 there were approximately 942,484 hectares of land affected by the ferociousness of the "Jago Merah" and occurred on the islands of Kalimantan, Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara and others. The smoke alone is disturbing and troublesome for neighboring countries, Singapore and Malaysia.

Local Wisdom As a Solution and Alternative Approach

The incident above is indeed quite terrible and threatens the sustainability and natural beauty of Indonesia. To prevent this incident again, we can learn from the "Local Wisdom" or local wisdom of the Indonesian nation. Keraf (2006) argues that local wisdom is all forms of knowledge, beliefs, understandings or insights as well as customs or ethics that guide human behavior in life within the ecological community. All these forms of local wisdom are lived, practiced, taught and passed on from generation to generation as well as forming patterns of human behavior towards fellow humans, nature and the supernatural. This opinion shows that local wisdom is created as a form of behavior in community life in a place or area that refers to a certain locality and community.

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Indonesia as a plural nation with many tribes, races, religions and cultures certainly influences the wisdom of the behavior patterns of the Indonesian people which can be interpreted wisely and wisely. Diversity and culture can shape the Indonesian nation into a "pluralistic" nation that can create a variety of knowledge by tracing local wisdom for the development and progress of the Indonesian nation that is more polite and polite towards nature.


Seeing Indonesia, whose nature is now threatened and intimidated, it feels like we have to learn to explore what local wisdom the Indonesian nation has. The ancestors of the Indonesian nation were good because there was always a "moral message" contained in it and until now it is very relevant as a more real guideline and actualization in protecting nature. Now let's learn what are the local wisdom that the Indonesian people have so as not to become greedy humans, let's look at the explanation!.

Wisdom The Local Nation of Indonesia

Senoaji (2003) in his research related to the "Baduy People" in Banten Province who believe that they are the people who were first created as fillers of the world and reside in the center of the earth. All movements of the Baduy people must be guided by the "great-grandfather" that has been determined in the form of "pikukuh karuhun". One has no right and no power to violate and change the existing order of life that has been in effect for generations. It must be obeyed by the Baduy people and outsiders who are visiting Baduy. These provisions include first, prohibited entry of prohibited forests (leuweung kolot) to cut trees, open fields or take other forest products. Secondly, it is forbidden to cut down indiscriminately types of plants, for example, fruit trees, and certain types. Thirdly, it is forbidden to use chemical technology, for example, using fertilizers, and pest-fighting drugs and pounding or poisoning fish. Fourth, farming must be in accordance with customary provisions, and others. Great-grandmothers and pikukuh karuhun are pronounced dangan sundanese kolot in the form of utterances that will be delivered during traditional ceremonies or will be told by parents to their children. These utterances are considered as the life principles of the Baduy people.

Then, there are several types of local wisdom of the people in Indonesia in managing nature stated by Sartini (2004) in his research, namely, first, the Papua Region there is a belief "te aro neweak lako" or "nature is me". Mount Erstberg & Grasberg are believed to be mama's head, the land is considered part of human life. Therefore, the use of natural resources can be done carefully. Second, Serawai Bengkulu Region, there is a belief in "celako kamali". Environmental sustainability is manifested from the strong beliefs, namely the taboo value system in farming and the tradition of climbing planting. Third, Dayak Kenyah Darah East Kalimantan, there is a tradition of "tana ulen". Forest areas are controlled and belong to indigenous peoples. Land management is governed and protected by customary rules. Fourth, the people of Undau Mau West Kalimantan region develop local wisdom in the pattern of residential spatial planning, by classifying forests and utilizing them. Farming is carried out by rotation by setting a "flow" period, and recognizes taboos so that the use of technology is limited to simple and environmentally friendly agricultural technology.

The local wisdom above is actually a form of environmental management from the threat of damage and utilizing the natural environment wisely so that it can create an ecosystem balance in it. Seeing the state of Indonesia's vast territory with abundant natural wealth but faced with natural damage done by human actions, of course, it greatly disturbs the balance of natural ecosystems. Local wisdom in every region should be a shortcut and alternative in carrying out nature conservation which of course needs to be supported and strengthened through regulations or policies from the Central Government and Regional Governments. Thus, local wisdom can become positive values, conditions and rules that can be applied in everyday life.


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