6 Ways To Stretch Your Travel Budget

We all love to travel but we often find ourselves wondering if we can afford the next vacation. There are so many things we love to spend on we want a luxurious stay, cool shopping, food at different restaurants, but all that requires money and in order to complete that we exceed our travel budget. Travel need not to be expensive. Here are six ways to maximize your travel funds.

Save On Flights

If you plan your trips ahead, at least 6 months or even a year in advance you'll be able to take advantage of promo fares. Sign up for airline newsletters; get updates on deals via Facebook and Twitter. It's usually cheaper to travel midweek. Travel deals are entirely based on availability and since most people travel over the weekend, you will find the cheapest airfare deals if you travel on a weekday. If you find a nonstop flight too expensive, try adding a stopover and check if it costs less. Direct flights are also cheaper than nonstop flights, particularly if you are flying long haul.

Travel Overland

Imagine getting on a motorbike and going through breathtaking landscapes. Or biking around the majestic temples and historical sites. How about taking train, trying delicacies and talking to locals and fellow travelers? Sure, it may not always be the most comfortable option, but traveling slowly by taking overland transportation is one of the cheapest ways to experience a country.

Travel At Night

This can save you money in two ways, firsts it's the unpopular option so it's usually cheaper, second you save money on accommodations. Most night trains and red-eye flights are the cheapest options to get from one place to another. Trying to get some shut eye on a sleeper trains isn't so bad either.

Skip Hotels

Instead of always staying at expensive hotels try alternatives like hostels and family run home-stays. Not only are you helping support the local economy you also won't have to overspend, especially if you're only staying a few rights. You'll spend most of your time outdoors anyway. Another affordable and more convenient option is to rent apartments or condo units if you're traveling with a group. You can choose a place with a kitchen so you don't have to eat out all the time.

Keep Track Of Spending

Bring a small notebook and list down your daily expenses. Write down everything you spend on like transportation costs, accommodations, food and even small things like drinks or laundry expenses. It helps to know where your money goes so you know what to cut down on. Beware of budget stealers likes unnecessary shopping and excessive partying.

Try Local Food

A major part of your travel fund will go to food. So how can you eat well without going broke? Ask the locals for their cheap, authentic recommendations. Usually, if a place is packed, the food is good and inexpensive. Be open to trying local delicacies not just because it's your cheapest option, it's also a major part of the travel experience.

Traveling to Barbados for spending some quality time with family or oneself, is probably the best holiday plan you can ever make. Barbados family holidays will be the most exciting experience of your life.

 By Hammad H Sheikh

Article Source: 6 Ways To Stretch Your Travel Budget

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