March 2017 Sun Sign Horoscopes

Aries (March 19 - April 18)

This month marks the beginning of a new two year financial cycle. You need stability for your active lifestyle, and Mars is now giving you the energy to up your financial game. The secret to your money game is tangible goods. Owning a home may feel like a weight that you carry, but it is one way to actually make a commitment that sets you free. Don't buy until May, but start looking now.

Taurus (April 19 - May 19)

With Venus retrograde until mid-April, focus on refining and reworking projects that you've already begun. It's a perfect time to go back and polish those things that need an extra touch. You will be inexplicably drawn into your deepest memories during this powerful healing time. You'll understand why, where, and who; and you'll also know what to do.

Gemini (May 20 - June 19)

March is a uniquely creative month for you, Gemini. This year is all about looking at and crafting life circumstances that will support you for many years to come. This is about more than money; it's about your lifestyle and satisfaction. It's important to live in the present; but inevitably, you must think about your future at this time. None of this, however, is 'hard'. Your secret to success is that any changes are easy.

Cancer (June 20 - July 21)

Keep your ears to the ground and listen to the rhythm of your heart, Cancer. Do not be coaxed or coerced into taking on too much. It's essential that you have some unscheduled time now. Even during impromptu days off you'll think of new solutions to old problem and some up with ideas to make your work more efficient. This month it's important that you nurture yourself.

Leo (July 22 - August 21)

Maintain a clear mental state, and you'll quickly see the circumstances of your life shift into instant manifestation. Your affirmations are Divinely powerful at this time. Simplicity is your greatest gift for this entire year - keep things uncomplicated and do not allow yourself to be sidetracked. Jupiter and Uranus are creating a paradigm shift, and for Leo, it's all about the mind.

Virgo (August 22 - September 21)

Stand up and take credit for your hard work and your contributions, Virgo. If you've been feeling overlooked or underappreciated know that this feeling will also transform. Your earning capacity is revving up; remain alert and be ready to respond to opportunities that come when you least expect them. Soon, you'll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Libra (September 22 - October 21)

Do not feel limited by your past, Libra. By the end of this year many things will have changed for you, and it's simply a matter of trusting your intuition. Dream large think big, and keep the concept of a bountiful harvest foremost in your mind. Obligation is the shadow of an old and outdated mental pattern. Your true duty is to your own, healthy balance.

Scorpio (October 22 - November 20)

It's an amazingly rich time to just tune into the Universal energies, Scorpio. Surrender your worries and let the angels and Spirit take care of you. You've been working in the earthly realm, and now you can work more with energy. This frees up time to work on yourself. Tend to nagging little health problems so that they don't continue to grow; you know what I'm talking about.

Sagittarius (November 21- December 20)

With Saturn in your sign until December, you've hopefully felt a positive benefit at work. He can be tough, but there are also rewards that come with diligence. And, the good news is that you have earned some long term stability. Saturn in your sign does predict that you'll pay the price for too much of anything this year. So, take it slow and steady, and find time to enjoy the rainbows.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

You're in a beneficial cycle, so keep going on your mission to make the world a better place. The world desperately needs what you have to give - your knowledge, your skill, and your wisdom. Just don't take yourself too seriously, Capricorn. The tension has been released and now you can easily be more focused and productive than ever before.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

This is an important time to work with healers, Aquarius. Find the modality you are most drawn to and embark on a systematic program that goes deeply into your energetic template. You've moved beyond the first layer of chaos, and are now free to purify your vital core. Memories surface, and even people and situations from past lifetimes may appear. Turn always to the Light.

Pisces (February 18- March 18)

Your work becomes more rewarding and less demanding as this month progresses. And, your energy is good, also, Pisces. Stay focused and pay attention to subtle (or not so subtle) clues from the Universe. The Aries New Moon of March 27th highlights your financial sector. Work with Venus retrograde, also you your second house of earned income. Revive old projects; feed them new life and they will give you money.

 By Maya White

Article Source: March 2017 Sun Sign Horoscopes

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