The Complex Simulation

The mystery of the universe as we see it now and since time immemorial has deepened with passage of time. Our understanding of the complex formation has not significantly improved as one may think but as Albert Schweitzer suggested that by acquiring more knowledge, things have become even more complex. The reason is not that we have stopped learning but because there are too many plausible options to focus on and then pick one that sounds most credible is bit of a challenge. The plethora of choices has made selection extremely difficult, if not impossible.

I believe there is a simpler explanation to this enigma. We observe and are well aware that patterns do emerge when we continue to watch an activity over a period of time. From witnessing the behavior of say, a cat that has never gone out or played with other cats, to monitoring the traffic flow at different times of the day on a freeway. There are discernable patterns that convey messages as trends firm up without any apparent logical reasoning, though there is always one when analyzed in depth.

So what do patterns really signify? They show to us that there are rules out there, physical laws and subtle senses such as instincts. Another observation is that all systems from atoms to plants or to colossal galactic systems are subject to same physical laws regardless of their size, complexity or location. Will it then be safe to assume that they are all interdependent and interconnected and under control of the same architect? Or they are all independent and are different from one and other yet subject to same physical laws?

Whether they are independent or components or sub-systems of a whole, they are complete systems. Well, if they are construed as systems then there must be an architect who has designed them? But that is not the subject of my argument here. All I am suggesting is that from our understanding of 'Reality', all that is there is real, from ourselves to things around us and the celestial bodies beyond our super-tiny planet and beyond the known and the unknown range, and the forces that maintain balance to keep the system in place.

Now, from the standpoint of the creator who has designed these systems, are they just software or programs or more appropriately simulations? If the cat that never left her home and never observed any other cat invariably behaves in the exact same manner in different situations as a cat should do then the assumption that she is acting per the program written for her kind is rather logical. Thus we can safely assume that instincts are not and can never be mere coincidences but are coded instructions to guide actions of a particular subject in a particular situation.

Does it make sense now?

If we are living in a simulated environment then who are we? And why have we been created? If we are real, not from our perception of reality but from the architect's standpoint then we are certainly being driven or run by programs else patterns would never emerge in the first place for they point at an intelligently designed and highly sophisticated architecture.

Branches of science that digressed from their mothers like for example numerology, does it mean something when its practitioners talk about vibrations of numbers? May be the numbers are simple programs when coded, showing patterns and commonalities that convinced its followers over a period of centuries that there is some truth out there. They grasped it in a subtle way according to their degree of understanding but did not expand it further to view it as codes and programming. In our so called advanced era, such topics are regrettably brushed aside as occult whereas they present mathematical relationships and evidences and deserve to be explored and investigated by academia.

If the entire set up is a simulation then there is some possibility that there may be other such simulations running in parallel that we are not aware of and have no way to find out if they exist. If they do then will there ever be a time when we will be able to see through them or perhaps go there? If the assumption is valid then we might as well be immortals. Once the stay here comes to an end, we move elsewhere or perhaps we just do not go anywhere, we are transferred to the CPU and can be retrieved anytime, creating another copy? What if that is the case and what is required to create another version of us? An abode or body, which if the assumption of a simulation setting is correct then is a matter of seconds to reproduce us. Just a click and we all will be alive again, as we understand the meaning of being alive, or the assumed realm of reality. If all that we know or are not aware of is interconnected, one big system then it's a rather simple job to move from one galaxy to another in the blink of an eye, at least theoretically.

All the religious scriptures more or less narrate the same concept, of resurrection, rapture, a time when we will rise again from the dead. That too just cannot be a coincidence. If seen from the simulated setting concept perspective, it is a simple programming effort. Like rebooting a system or uploading a newer version or simply reloading the same program. From a logical perspective, it makes more sense to believe that our surroundings including us are not just a product of some galactic accident but a well thought-out scheme with a definite purpose. Accidents lead to a jumble and inactivity whereas creation leads to order and progress. Birth or the beginning does not breed the idea of death or the end. It denotes life, or continuity that endorses the belief of immortality to be achieved at some point.

No system is created by accident neither it evolves on its own. It is designed, upgraded and continually maintained, unless the architect designs self-regulated systems with software written in a way that they come to an apparent end but in reality they help continue the cycle, something we often witness. Rare events like super-nova, a phenomenon in a massive birthplace where new stars are born while the older stars enrich the interstellar medium before perishing, creating a fertile environment for newcomers and so on and so forth. Just like our setup on this planet, old leave while new arrive. It is the same cycle everywhere though the degree of distance and size make them look somewhat dissimilar.

If whatever we have read so far makes sense then are we possibly the next custodians of simulations that we will be managing after this one comes to an end? There must be a purpose as to why were we brought to this planet. Are there other planets like ours, may be. If not then are we the pioneers who will be relocating to new planets? And why do we need to physically travel to new and distant planets millions of light years away? If we are saved as files in some central database and this is one gigantic and interconnected system then we just need to emerge wherever the architect wants us to be alive again. Are we being prepared to take on new roles? In that case the Big Bang was the start of the simulation and subsequent evolution is a planned upgrade of the system, till the present time, and beyond?

Points to ponder;

a- May be there is no life elsewhere in the universe. We are the first such living beings created?
b- If point 'a' is true then the other planets will not remain uninhabited for long. They will be populated in due course?
c- May be all the previous living beings (civilizations) had long been perished and we are the last one in that sequence?
d- If all those born and departed will be recreated then we will need much larger space, if we all will inhabit the same planet?
e- Evolution is not random or uncontrolled. It is a systematic and deliberate upgrade of the system.
f- Whatever transpires is fully documented and recorded, and is retrievable.
g- We can retrieve those messages and images if we know the source codes.
h- Like in a treasure hunt game, the discoveries we so proudly call inventions were mere revelations, unveiled to those who searched for them.
i- Time at some point will cease to exist.
j- Scientists, teachers, astronomers and management gurus etc. who did exceptionally well on this planet will be entrusted with greater responsibilities to manage the affairs of the other worlds.
k- It appears from lack of new initiatives, ideas, artistic creations and discoveries that most probably it's the wrap up time or what we know as the end of times.
l- If all objectives of the simulation have been achieved then be ready for our existence to come to an abrupt end. But do not fear. It is going to be better.
m- Remember, life means continuity and death is not the end, just an exit from this world.

If this is a plausible theory then it is not that complex, really! It is a rather simple simulation from the perspective of the one who has designed it, from our standpoint though, it seems incomprehensible!

 By Razi Akber

Article Source: The Complex Simulation

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