Safety On The Seas: Avoiding Cruise Ship Accidents and Illnesses

Cruising the vast ocean on a huge luxury cruise line is one of the most popular ways of enjoying holidays, but stories state that every now or then there is a sickness epidemic or an ill-fated accident on the cruise ship.

Here the thing: If somebody onboard does accede to a nasty virus, it can quickly spread on board and because it's a closed environment where many people share things, the passengers can fall sick easily. To avoid catching stomach bug, flu virus or any other infection, stick to the following strategies:

Go To A Travel Medicine Specialist Before Your Trip

If you think a throat trickle or bellyache is unpleasant, then you certainly don't want to know what dengue fever feels like. A specially trained nurse or doctor in the area of travel will update you regarding the vaccines available in the areas you're docking and can assist you on what's recommended and what's absolutely required.

Pack A Hand Sanitizer With You

While all the reputable cruise lines are highly stringent about their cleanliness, it doesn't hurt a bit if you be extra cautious about the germ parts of your cabin like the doorknob, the remote or the phone. Even the best scoring ships are vulnerable - all it takes is one highly infectious individual to step on bard and things change in no time.

Avoid Using Common Utensils

Cruise lines often lessen self-serve buffets for at least three to five days of trip, so that sick passengers can be identified and separated before the germs spread. However every time the ship docks, chances are that the passengers are exposed to viral and bacterial infections, the risk of falling sick continues throughout the trip. To be extra safe, avoid self-serve options. If a fellow passenger is in front of you in the buffet line and offers you to pass along a silverware or plate, decline it or just take it and keep it back politely.

No Sharing

Unless you trust whomsoever you are traveling with to be as cautious as you are don't go around sharing your plates or sampling his/her cocktail. That person can be infectious without showing any signs of infection.

Skip Unpasteurized Foods

Besides noroviruses there are many other viruses that can cause gastro-hell (salmonella, campylobacter and listeria for instance) they are usually found in unpasteurized eggs or dairy. If an egg heavy or flan dish catch's your attentions, ask if the eggs are pasteurized. Keep a watch out for unpasteurized cheese as well.

Use Your Own Restroom

Public restrooms on reputable ships have frequent cleanings by the ship staff- but if you don't need to use it urgently, then why take the risk? So it's better to avoid public restrooms and use your own cabin washroom.

Traveling is the best way to enjoy your time with your family, so book a cruise to Barcelona and have the most memorable time of your life with your family.

 By Hammad H Sheikh

Article Source:  Safety On The Seas: Avoiding Cruise Ship Accidents and Illnesses

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